Makeup and Portraits

Makeup and Portraits


Makeup and portraits, “should I hire a makeup artist?” is a question I often hear when consulting for an upcoming portrait session.  I admit that question usually comes from my female clientele.

My answer – “Yes!  But, consider the purpose of your portrait.”

Consider the purpose of the portrait and how it will be used. Make up can be done in varying levels from hiding blemishes, enhancing features, creating features, to completely changing the way you look. There are times you may want that super model look in your portrait and then I say “go for it!” But, never lose sight of the purpose of the portrait. If your lifestyle is wearing minimal or no makeup and the portrait is for business, allowing people to put a face to your name, heavy makeup and a different look defeats the purpose.

I recently came across this amazing video showing the power of make up, and I strongly recommend having a look at it. And, yes guys – you should be watching this as well because a make up artist can help you look more confident and professional.

I know photographers that increase their fees to include a makeup artist for every portrait. I think it’s a personal choice, but I know the better you look, the more confident you’re going to feel, and therefore I do recommend retaining a professional makeup artist for your portrait sessions. If you need help finding a makeup artist, I will be glad to assist.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Great post. And something that many don’t think of, as I have met many people in real life that definitely don’t match the beautiful makeup and photoshopped photo on their business card, or website.

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