Growth and redevelopment

Growth and redevelopment

Is it good or bad? It seems inevitable, growth and change. 

We’ve all heard the joke that in Canada there are only two seasons, winter and construction. Most often this comment is reserved for road construction, but there are other kinds, clearly evident throughout the city. 

Cambridge Salvation Army Citadel

As I drove downtown for a coffee break the other morning I noticed the blue wire fencing around the Cambridge Salvation Army Citadel. My first thought was “WOW I wonder where they’re going?” A little research and it appears they’re not going anywhere. They are calling this a “renovation”. It looks more like a reconstruction to me but call it what you like. 

This building has stood at the corner of Main and Shade Streets in Cambridge for as long as I can remember. Over the years I have had the privilege of photographing 3 or 4 weddings in this building. But, it has been looking a little dilapidated in the last few years. While they are renovating they will hold their services at the Cambridge Mennonite Home on Concession Road in Preston and have acquired space on Water Street South for there office and midweek functions. 

With any major renovation like this, it seems necessary to first do some degree of demolition. 



What are your memories of the Knotty Pine?

Another site that has caught my attention is what was the Knotty Pine Restaurant in Preston. It was probably a month or two ago that I drove by the intersection of King and Fountain and noticed the windows were all boarded up on the old restaurant. My first thought was “Is Preston losing another landmark?” 

This article from the Cambridge Times confirms the new owners have plans to bring the building back to its former glory, but not as the Knotty Pine. Like many people who try and invest and develop business in Cambridge they have become frustrated by the multi-layers of government interference, from city hall, the region and the GRCA. (Just more evidence why Cambridge would be better off seceding from the region. Doug Ford, are you listening?)

The old Knotty Pine

How many of our generation have memories of working here while going to high school? Did you ever go to the Steak House downstairs before going to a prom or other high school dance?

After the closing of the Knotty Pine and the building became “The Pines” I had the pleasure of photographing more than one wedding reception in this facility. 

Keep your eye open for changes to these iconic city buildings. 

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